
CLASS 1 - I Am Beautiful
Today we image we are a star being sending a message to another planet. Since we do not share the same language, we transmit celestial communication from our planet to the planet we wish to give a message. This is celestial communication as a mandala with a message that can only be received through the feelings in the heart.
CLASS 2 - I Trust Myself
Today we imagine we are a spaceship with two key holes. We need two special mandalas to unlock the doors to our spaceship. We need a mandala for the heart and naval to access the controls of our spaceship. These are mandalas for the heart and naval with a special message within telling the story of the places my spaceship has been and will go.
CLASS 3 - I Am the Love of my Soul
Today we imagine our soul has a spaceship, the aura. Our spaceship brings our soul to planet Earth and other planets. We create a mandala, spaceship, to our soul as we visualize our soul traveling through time and space. This mandala is the spaceship to my soul, carrying me to planet Earth and other creative realms.
CLASS 4 - I Am the Healer of my Life
Today we imagine we are a great healer to the planet Earth. We arrive on planet Earth like a star being with technology to offer that can heal the planet. This mandala showcases the healing, healer, within.
CLASS 5 - I Am Confident Creator
Today we imagine we are creating a blueprint for the 5th dimension. This mandala is a doorway into the 5th dimension. A person who accesses the frequency can travel into higher vibrations towards the 5th dimension.
CLASS 6 - I Am Safe to be Myself
Today we imagine we are wearing a spacesuit for our space travels through higher dimensions and to other planets. Our spacesuit keeps us safe from the harshness of deep space and protects us from danger. This is my mandala/spacesuit to my travels through time and space.
CLASS 7 - I Am Worthy to Grow and Excel
Today we imagine we are Pleiadian Star Beings coming to Earth to create a crop circle out of a large field of red roses with a sacred message. Sacred geometry made into a field of red roses is a sacred sight for healing, intergalactic communication and spiritual power. This mandala is my Pleiadian message to humanity.
CLASS 8 - I Am Victory
Today we imagine we are Star Beings coming to Planet Earth to heal humanity during a time of great sadness. We use the frequency within our mandala as a activation that awakens the inner healing within everyone. This is my mandala of healing offered to humanity for strength.
CLASS 9 - I Am Heartfelt
Today we imagine we are awakening the heart of humanity. Humanities heart is sleeping and it is up to us to create frequencies that will restore the human heart back to ease. This is my mandala for heart frequency. It expresses the healing power of being heartfelt.
Class 10 - I Am Creative Expansion
Today we imagine we are offering creativity to Earth to help awaken courage and fulfillment. We open the doorway to higher creativity with our mandala. This is my mandala for opening the door to greater expressions of joy and freedom.
 Class 11 - I Am Abundant
Today we imagine we are connecting with the beauty of the Earth. We create a mandala that reflects our appreciation and gratitude for nature. This is my mandala for the evergreen wonder.
Class 12 - I Raise my Vibration
Today we imagine we are creating a mandala that raises the vibration of Earth. We are helping Earth transition out of a dark period of sadness and separation. We use our creativity to build a bridge to a new Earth. This is my mandala that showcases my journey of raising my vibration.
Class 13 - I Am Open to Learning New Things
We imagine we are developing patience, compassion and tolerance by creating a frequency painting that helps us to be open to learning and growing. This is my mandala for openness and higher learning.
Class 14 - My Mind and Heart are One
We imagine we are emerging the mind and heart together. The mind is our universe. The heart is our compass. This is my mandala for connecting the mind and heart for highest creative expression.
Class 15 - I Am Brilliant
Today we imagine we are a brilliant star full of fantastic creation. We are sending love to our mind by speaking positively to our miraculous brain. This is my mandala for a brilliant mind.
Class 16 - I Am Talented
Today we imagine we are creating a key to unlocking talents and gifts belonging to our original home, the stars. We meditate upon Atlantis and Lemuria, gathering ancient knowledge advance our creativity. This is my mandala to unlocking the ancient wisdom within me.
Class 17 - I Am Good Enough to Shine my Light
Today we imagine our mandala is a reflection of our inner light. We are creating a portal into our absolute beauty. This is my mandala for radiance.
Class 18 - I Embrace my Natural Gifts
Today we imagine we are creating a owl's nest, basket, that contains all the tools, techniques and talents of our lineage. We retrieve inside the basket of ancestors a gift that is special and extraordinary. This is my mandala showcasing the natural gifts I discover inside the owl's nest of ancestors.
Class 19 - I Accept my Feelings
Today we imagine our feelings are healing. We are learning to accept and embrace our feelings as a method of healing. We take our frustration, grief, anger, etc. and put it into the blue flame of creativity to help soothe ourselves. This is my mandala for healing feelings.
Class 20 - I Am Confident in Pursuing my Dreams
Today we imagine we activating the fullest creativity within us. We connect to Mother Earth for inspiration and honor her wisdom by being strong towards our exuberant imagination.
Class 21 - I Am Cosmic in Nature

Today we imagine we are from the stars. Through our meditation we connect with our home planet. In connecting with our starseed origin, we retrieve more of our essence and authentic self. This is my mandala for starseed origin.
Class 22 - I Am Resilient
Today we imagine we are climbing a tall mountain to build a satellite to interstellar space. This mountain demands resilience for survival. We use our resilience, which is courage, to stand up for ourselves and believe in our mission with integrity. This mandala is my resilience to climb the mountain and access the stars.

Class 23 - I Am Powerful
Today we imagine our inner power is as profound as the sun. Inside us is energy of the sun waiting to be used. We unlock the inner sun to our universe by awakening the body and mind through movement and meditation. This is my mandala for the solar plexus activation.
Class 24 - I Am a Fierce Warrior
Today we imagine we are warriors to Earth. As a warrior, we face challenges (such as unexpected noises) that require us to stay strong and find our balance. We learn patience, skillfulness and intuition as a warrior. Kundalini Yoga and meditation teaches us how to harness our inner power and use it to overcome life difficulties. This is my mandala for the warrior.
Class 25 - I Accept myself as I Am
Today we imagine we are embracing the fullness of our light without fear or judgment. We are simply allowing our creative expression to flow. This is my mandala for complete self love.

Class 26 - I Am Lovable

Today we imagine our heart frequency is a great beacon of safety, comfort and healing. We emerge with the heart frequency like diving into the ocean waves to free our mind. This is my mandala for heart healing.
Class 27 - I Am Connected to the Earth

Today we imagine the kind of connection we have with the Earth. We explore the vibrant abundance of Earth and our victory with the Earth. This is my mandala for Earth gratitude.
Class 28 - I Am Visionary
Today we imagine we are holding a great vision for the future Earth. This vision is excellent, expansive and brave. This is my mandala for the visionary inside me.